Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Marketing Phase I Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Marketing Phase I Paper - Essay Example Microsoft is currently set to market its new personal computer operating system entitled Windows Heraldâ„ ¢, a software system designed to improve user functionality as well as provide free Internet service for a period of one year under the Microsoft Internet brand. Windows Heraldâ„ ¢ will provide an entirely new operating platform including deleted document retrieval, something that no other operating system currently provides. This new product will allow users to retrieve documents and files which may have been deleted from the recycle bin by accident, giving the user better control over their computer systems. Competition is a major issue for Microsoft as there are a wide variety of competitors in the marketplace which develop and distribute various software and technology packages. Because of this high competition volume, Microsoft must utilize marketing tactics to ensure that their product is positioned better than that of their competitors (in the mind of the consumer) and ensure that potential customers understand what specific features and advantages will outperform competing software brands. The company must establish an appropriate pricing structure as well as ensure low-cost distribution (as a portion of the marketing mix) to save corporate dollars and ensure higher profitability. Marketing, when described as a set of processes to developing and communicating advantages for the delivery of value to customers, is extremely important for Microsoft to ensure that potential buyers recognize that Microsoft products are superior to competition. Because Microsoft maintains an advertising and marketing budget, the company must ensure that costs are monitored and their sales increase through the correct strategies for not only pricing, but specifically at which retailers their products will sell the most. Previous negative consumer word-of-mouth

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Manage people performance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Manage people performance - Essay Example As the organization is already highly differentiated in terms of market segmentation the overarching company goals are expanding these market elements into larger markets, as well as creating more value for members. Still, within this context of understanding there are specific company goals that further articulate the organization’s strategic initiatives. In these regards, the first company goal has been indicated to be, â€Å"To deliver our core products and services to a standard and quality which meets or exceeds members’ expectations† (‘Racq’). In these regards, the company recognizes that while they achieved significant success, it’s necessary to continue to develop and create customer value in as effective and efficient way as possible. In ensuring that customer expectations are met and exceeded the organization can retain current customers and expand into new markets. A second primary company goal is to develop means of increasing the value of membership in a mutual gains approach for company and customer. While this may seem counter-intuitive, the company understands that in developing greater efficiency measures, strengthened partnerships, and greater strategy, membership can be both expanded as a means of offering greater value to the customer and still retaining an increased profit share. The final company goal is to develop new and sustainable income streams that function within the company’s brand and vision. Since it’s beginnings the Royal Automobile Club of Queensland has been highly successful in not simply gaining members, but also in expanding the membership benefits and sources of revenue. One considers that the company does not simply provide roadside assistance, but also gains revenue from car and automobile insurance. The company then desires to expand into even further markets as a means of gaining profit and developing the organization. There are a number of critical success factors for the