Thursday, March 12, 2020

Free Essays on Prolife

An aborted organism, this is one definition of an abortion. Look at that twice. How terrible does that sound? I can't even begin to wonder how people call themselves moral and compassionate human beings when they believe in destroying an innocent life to make their own easier. You make the choice when you choose to have sex. Some say it is ok in cases of rape or incest, because the mother did nothing wrong and did not consent to sex. This is very true, it is not ones fault who is raped. And it is not the baby's fault that it was made. It had no decision, no say, it was just created. People who argue for abortion in these cases are backwards. I always argue with friends about this issue. Their primary argument is that the fetus is not actually a human being unless it has a brain, sensory organs, or a heartbeat, which seems to be the "big question" in any abortion argument. It is a life in the lowest stage of development, but a life non-the less. Who are we to decide when it has value? An apple seed will grow into an apple tree if it is planted and given water and sunlight. The seed is in the first stage of becoming a full-grown tree, and just because it doesn't have branches or fruit yet doesn't deny the fact that it is an apple tree just in the first stage of development.... Free Essays on Prolife Free Essays on Prolife An aborted organism, this is one definition of an abortion. Look at that twice. How terrible does that sound? I can't even begin to wonder how people call themselves moral and compassionate human beings when they believe in destroying an innocent life to make their own easier. You make the choice when you choose to have sex. Some say it is ok in cases of rape or incest, because the mother did nothing wrong and did not consent to sex. This is very true, it is not ones fault who is raped. And it is not the baby's fault that it was made. It had no decision, no say, it was just created. People who argue for abortion in these cases are backwards. I always argue with friends about this issue. Their primary argument is that the fetus is not actually a human being unless it has a brain, sensory organs, or a heartbeat, which seems to be the "big question" in any abortion argument. It is a life in the lowest stage of development, but a life non-the less. Who are we to decide when it has value? An apple seed will grow into an apple tree if it is planted and given water and sunlight. The seed is in the first stage of becoming a full-grown tree, and just because it doesn't have branches or fruit yet doesn't deny the fact that it is an apple tree just in the first stage of development....